Thursday, May 31, 2007

# 9 the web to teach

I love the idea of using the web to teach.. i feel like there have been plenty of classes ive taken at here at OSU that could have easily been offered online. this would be especially useful during winter quarter when the snow piles up.. as long as the educator communicates the class and the assignments accurately there shouldnt be a problem..

# 8.. the things i've learned

i knew this class would sort of a struggle for being that i don't know jack about computers. after this class i now have a good understanding of the basics to web design and what truely makes a good website instead of the websites i like b/c i like the content... i learned about different socail network sites such as delicious which i find cool and interesting.. i can seriously browse for hours on that site. i had to use my friends as resources this quarter to help me, without them i would of been completely screwed.

i posted on Janets blog and on Karls blog...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

#7 --> 3 websites i enjoy

ESPN is a site I like to to go to watch video's because it's updated constantly throughout the day. If I happen to miss an interview or a show I have the ability to jump on the ESPN website and check it out. For instance, I fell asleep the other day whe I was waiting for a Greg Oden interview and today I jumped on the site to see what he said. What annoys me about the site is that sometimes it doesn't link me to image I clicked. Often times it defaults back the original video, which I find frustrating.
As you can imagine, I also go to YouTube. I like to search funny clips of people doing stupid acts but i really enjoy watching amazaing sports moments; like this clip of Wayne Rooney playing for MAN U hitting a shot 25 yards out. I like the site because it has a list of related videos next to the video you choose to watch. This website alone is the reason why I think employees shouldn't be allowed to surf the web at my work... because I would never get anything done!
Another website I've been going to recently is FunnyOrDie. This is Will Farrels website, he has a lot of funny clips, but so far the best has been called The Landlord. The clip includes his daughter as the landlord.. it's funny. I like the layout of the site. It's clean and easy to navigate. And like Youtube, it has related clips next to the clips I chose so navigating the site feels like it's practically endless.

I commented on Adam's blog and on Connor's blog.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

#6 Podcasts

One of the podcasts i found interesting and knowledgeable was the Global Knowledge Listen & Learn Podcast. This is informational for a corporate training and development major, like myself, because it has several categories related to the corporate world. The categories i would use most are the Program Management, on-site IT Training, and Business Training podcasts.
The second podcast i liked was called the philophers almanac... it's a podcast about everyday life. It's cool because it stimulates thought provoking theories and questions to help get your brain going. The last educational podcast i found is called Inside Business Podcast. This podcast is provided by Forbes Magazine and gives information about recent trends occurring in the business world.
The podcasts I use leisurely are iTunes, which i think we're all familiar with, and a podcast called 2 guys 1 brain. The captain for it is, " Guy talk, poker, football, families, law enforcement, and stuff that is funny, to us," and thats exactly what they do. It's funny and relative to my thoughts and views on most subjects.

I commented on Peg's blog and on Tia's blog.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007